
Showing posts from May, 2011

laden last video which is realeased by USA


most Famous and Remote Locations

  Most of the people often felt tired from all the stress of their daily life and wanted to get away from it all. So naturally look for a remote place, where no one can disturb his or her from their holidays. The following places have inspired writers fro generations, have been the hiding place for many outlaws but have been remained remote and unfrequented. Located in the southern Pacific Ocean , the Pitcairn Islands are famous for being home to the descendents of the Bounty mutineers and the Tahitians that accompanied them. Today, the Pitcairn Islands are home to only 50 inhabitants (9 families), being the least populated island and jurisdiction of the world.   In third century BC, this Aramaic oasis in south-central Syria was a bustling caravan city for travelers. Palmyra means 'City of Palm Trees ' and is said to have been built by King Solomon. Nauru is the world’s smallest island nation, with a surface of only 21 km², also being the smalles