the beauty of paris

Paris (formerly "Lutèce", from Latin "Lutetia Parisorium") is the most visited city in the world and tourists often refer to it as "the most beautiful and most romantic city on the planet": Such plaudits originate from the "Belle Epoque" period when Paris was enhanced by Baron Haussmann under the patronage of Emperor Napoleon III. The Emperor had an ambition of turning Paris into the most beautiful city in Europe.
Lying on the banks of the Seine, Paris is one of the mos importantan d prestigious cultural and political capital sin  Europe.n habitants:2.167.994(2006)Official name: Paris

Tourism in Paris
The Louvre – An extraordinary and enormous museum that houses arguably the best collection of works of art in the world – including the heavily guarded Mona Lisa.
The Sainte-Chapelle – A beautiful 13th century Gothic Chapel
Picasso National Museum - Exhibits almost 3000 works of Pablo Picasso, including works from his personal collection by other artists such as Paul Cézanne and Henri Matisse's.

The Centre Georges Pompidou - Home to the National Museum of Modern Art and culture
Place de la Concorde - At the end of the Champs-Élysées the Place de la Concorde was originally called "Square “Louis XV Square" then "Place de la Revolution" and is the infamous location of the Guillotine during the French Revolution. Fortunately the guillotine has now been replaced by an Egyptian obelisk frm the Temple of Luxor.The Arc de Triomphe – Situated in the centre of Place de l'Etoile, this austere monument celebrates France's military victories and honours her dead.
The Sacre Coeur Basilica.
The Eiffel Tower – Arguably the most iconic Parisien monument

 Shakespeare & Co., a charismatic bookstore in Paris




                                         Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise Burial ground of Francois Raspail, Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Allan Kardec, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand, Frederic Chopin, Marcel Proust.

Paris is the place of beauty.So come to Paris and discover yourself.


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